Today, I woke up quite refreshed. I slept well last night after a rough start to my evening sleep. Daddy made a boo boo last night and put me in the bassinet right away without allowing me to cuddle with Mommy and fall into a deep sleep.
But after that (at around 2:30AM) I settled in so, I thought I'd wake Mommy and Daddy up at 8AM by screaming.... I like to scream to signify that I'm now awake. Sure it may annoy my parents and piss off the neighbors but, hey that's just how I roll.
When I feel something I just state it; and LOUDLY. No need to hold things back and be subtle. I have something to say, I say it.
So Daddy came and got me from the bedroom and tried to comfort me. Jeez what's he doing home at 8AM? Doesn't he work? How is he going to buy me a Porsche for my 16th birthday if he's not out there working. To show my displeasure with Daddy's shiftlessness I screamed some more...I hope he gets the message..If I don't get a Porsche I will NOT be happy!!!
After that I settled down, had a bit to eat ( the kitchen's always open for me it seems) and took a nap. Mommy did likewise. Daddy must have got the hint and went off to get some work done.( Did I mention the Porsche??) I dreamt about a lot of things while I was sleeping but, for some reason I can't remember what I dreamt about. My memory isn't what it used to be now as I get older...Ah what you can do.
When I woke up, Mommy took me for a walk to Yonge and EG. Cool neighbourhood. I can fit right in there. Lots of happening people just like me. We went to a bookstore called Chapters where Mommy spent the better part of an hour sipping a chai latte and looking at books about babies. Hello?!? What do you need a book about babies for? I'm right here... just ask me anything you want to know.
Then Mommy ran into her friend Mary so, they both just decided to sit in Chapters drinking their fancy smancy drink's and chatting for another hour or so. All that time I kept thinking how does Chapters make money? Sure there were tons of people sitting there reading the books and just lounging but, I didn't see one person buying a book the whole time we were there. I know I'm only 3 weeks old but, aren't stores supposed to actually sell stuff? I'm gonna have to talk to Nonno about this as he owns a store. Surely he doesn't just let people loiter in HIS store.
Right now I'm just hanging out in my chair adjusting to my new diapers. Mommy feels as I'm now up to 8.6 pounds, the diapers I have been wearing are getting too small for me. She say's these new diapers are better for the environment but, really to me it's all about the comfort and style. No need to have my bum uncomfortable or looking like some of those babies I saw in the hospital with diapers that look like they came from the 70's.. No Sir..not me.
Well it's been an hour since I had a nap so, till next time.
1 comment:
say what? he's got big eyes?? who would have thunk! so cute!
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