Sunday, September 7, 2008

3 weeks old!!

I am 3 weeks old tomorrow!! It has gone by very quickly. I have been practicing using my lungs and vocal cords recently...I can be very loud:) My Mom and Dad are very tired, but they still love me.

I have also been practicing lifting my head when I have tummy time. I can move it from side to side...I is very strong!

Yesterday Daddy and I went to Second Cup in the morning. We met Daddy's friend there. He has a son, Mason, who is 6 months old and is a lot bigger than me. Daddy tells me if I keep eating the way I do, I'll be as big as him in 3 months! Daddy and I, his friend and his son all then went for a walk. I didn't cry at all:)

Daddy and his friend talked the whole time about getting out of the rat race...I didn't get it so I asked Mason "what's this rat and why do the big people race them?" Mason didn't know about the so called rat race either.. so then Mason and I just slept while the daddies walked around pushing us.. Daddies are good at that!! I got hungry from listening to the adults talk so, I told Mason 'later man' and had Daddy take me home to see Mommy!

Mommy and I went for a walk in the rain today...I cried most of the time because I was hungry. It took mommy a while to figure that out...silly mommy:) She walked home very fast; it's the fastest she's moved in months!

Right now, I'm just hangin' out in Mommy's arms while she types this message...I like making grunting noises.

1 comment:

We love evan! said...

way to go ali! excellent post! I highly enjoy the Giorje and mini-me picture of Evan! SO CUTE! love you xoxo